
Cohere AI Integrations

AI Tools

Do more with Cohere AI integrations

Zapier lets you connect Cohere AI with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AIIntegrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AI

Zapier Chrome extension

Notifications, Productivity, Zapier
Integrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AIIntegrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AI

Zapier Chrome extension

Notifications, Productivity, Zapier
Integrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AIIntegrate Zapier Chrome extension with Cohere AI

Zapier Chrome extension

Notifications, Productivity, Zapier

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

Connect your apps and automate workflows

Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.


By signing up, you agree to Zapier's terms of service and privacy policy.


By signing up, you agree to Zapier's terms of service and privacy policy.

Quickly automate Cohere AI integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching search terms using Cohere

    • Gmail logo
    • Cohere AI logo
    • Gmail logo
    Gmail + Cohere AI
  • Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching keywords or phrases with Cohere AI

    • Gmail logo
    • Cohere AI logo
    • Gmail logo
    Gmail + Cohere AI
  • Generate draft replies to new Microsoft Outlook emails with Cohere

    • Microsoft Outlook logo
    • Cohere AI logo
    • Microsoft Outlook logo
    Microsoft Outlook + Cohere AI
  • Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching search terms with Cohere and get Slack DMs

    • Gmail logo
    • Slack logo
    Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack
  • Create Gmail draft reply responses with Cohere AI to new emails matching Gmail searches and send direct Slack messages

    • Gmail logo
    • Slack logo
    Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack
  • Summarize new Gmail emails matching search terms with Cohere and send direct Slack messages

    • Gmail logo
    • Cohere AI logo
    • Slack logo
    Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack

Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching search terms using Cohere

Try it
  • Gmail logo
  • Cohere AI logo
  • Gmail logo
Gmail + Cohere AI

Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching keywords or phrases with Cohere AI

  • Gmail logo
  • Cohere AI logo
  • Gmail logo
Gmail + Cohere AI

Generate draft replies to new Microsoft Outlook emails with Cohere

  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • Cohere AI logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Microsoft Outlook + Cohere AI

Generate draft replies to new Gmail emails matching search terms with Cohere and get Slack DMs

  • Gmail logo
  • Slack logo
Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack

Create Gmail draft reply responses with Cohere AI to new emails matching Gmail searches and send direct Slack messages

  • Gmail logo
  • Slack logo
Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack

Summarize new Gmail emails matching search terms with Cohere and send direct Slack messages

  • Gmail logo
  • Cohere AI logo
  • Slack logo
Gmail + Cohere AI + Slack

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • TextRequired

    • Original TextRequired

    • Length

    • Format

    • Extractiveness

    • PromptRequired

    • Max Number of WordsRequired

    • Temperature

    • Top K

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cohere-ai logo

About Cohere AI

Cohere provides access to advanced Large Language Models and NLP tools. To try out these endpoints visit: https://dashboard.cohere.ai/playground/.

Related categories

  • AI Tools

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